Sunday, December 4, 2011

Step back and remember the reason…For FREE!

I can’t believe Christmas is only a few weeks away! I say it every year but man this year went sooo fast! It seems the older my children get the faster these years are slipping away…sigh…their going to be grown before I know it!

It’s so easy to get caught up in all of the “hub bub” that comes along with Christmas that we tend to overlook and true celebration of Christmas! It is a time to celebrate the birth of our Savior! The moment that OUR GOD entered OUR world to live among men, teaching us about him and how we should live out our time on Earth and ultimately dying for us to save us! It’s quite humbling to think about.

It’s also a time of giving to others! It’s really not about all of the “stuff” it’s about the loving others and sharing of yourself to make someone else's day brighter! I love that about Christmas! Inspired by one of my favorite subway art artists Alexander Creative, I created this print to encourage you to step back every once and awhile and remember those that may need their Holiday brightened and the true meaning behind the season I am giving you this FREE print telling the story of Christmas.

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Available in White and Red. I ask nothing in return….these are free for you to print and enjoy. If you have not become a fan of ours on Facebook I would love if you would join our page and help spread the word about The Party Bakery.

To get your download simply click on the pictures below.


Merry Christmas!
